Chloe Care Package

Combining energy healing with Soul Level Animal Communication® has proved to be enormously effective, allowing the animal to express their needs (and what they are teaching you) combined with energetic support for both you and your pet.  The Chloe care package has been specifically designed to help elderly, transitioning or ill pets, and their carers. You’ll start off with a 50 minute Soul Level Animal Communication® session where you’ll get to ask a question (about their health, whether or not they are preparing to transition, what you can do to support them etc). Kate will help craft the question to get the best results. In many cases this will lead to the soul lesson, but either way Kate will then ask 4 questions so you can understand what your pet is trying to teach you. Once you understand the soul lesson, you can ask further questions, as time allows, as to how best to support your pet.

This package was named after Chloe, the cat who inspired it. Read what Chloe’s guardian has to say about it …

You’ll then get 2 x 50 min energy healing/intuitive sessions, for you or your pet, as required. Kate will connect with the pet during the healings also to identify the best healing method for either the pet, or for you, the carer as you deal with their situation. In many cases, your pet just being heard, and you understanding your pet’s perspective, is enough to make big changes. Understanding that illness (or transitioning) may be a deliberate part of their greater plan can help you accept the situation and thus provide a different level of care. This session helps you get a more balanced and stable, and future a more positive view on your relationship and the situation. Kate will follow up with energy healing/intuitive guidance to help you both, with healing for both physical and emotional issues to bring you both back into balance.

Note that animals may not want to delve into their health issues, or elaborate on their transition path, but you can be sure they will share your soul lesson regardless!

Since it’s easier for Kate to hear your pet’s viewpoint on their situation with a clean slate, please do not elaborate too much on their health issue to Kate in the first case. Just stick to the facts (she’s not eating, he sleeps all the time). There will be time enough to discuss it later during the healing session, but it’s important for Kate to get the information from the pet without preconceptions!

Please note that soul lessons result in some activity or change in attitude on your part. If you aren’t ready to examine yourself at a deep level, and be willing to make the changes, the lesson might not make sense (or you will resist it). If you have been drawn here (as opposed to being funnelled here by someone else!) the chances are you are aware you animal has something to share with you. Note that Kate will use her intuition to heal either you or your pet at either session, as guided by your pet and her guides.

When you pay for the package you’ll get a code that can be used to book one 50 minute Soul Level Animal Communication® reading and two 50 min Body Code™ and Energy Healing sessions.

Please book the communication reading first and leave a few days before booking the healing sessions. It doesn’t matter how close the healing sessions are, but it may be beneficial to leave few days between them to allow the healing to integrate before you have the next one as things might shift a bit.

You are always able to reschedule any session up to 24 hours before the appointment.

When you pay for the package you’ll get a code that can be used to book one 50 minute Soul Level Animal Communication® reading and two 50 minute Body Code™ and Energy Healing sessions.

Please book the communication reading first and leave a few days between it and the healing sessions. It doesn’t matter how close the healing sessions are, but it may be beneficial to leave few days between them to allow the healing to integrate before you have the next one as things might shift a bit.

You can book the Soul Level Animal Communication reading here.

and the Body Code and Energy Healing sessions here.

Simply book your chosen time and click continue. Under where you enter your personal information there is a button that says “Redeem Coupon, Package or Gift Certificate”. Here you enter in the code that you’ll receive on your receipt.

You are always able to reschedule any session up to 24 hours before the appointment.

Your pet wants you to evolve. The soul lesson requires that you make an effort to “grow” in this area. For example if your pet is telling you you need to slow down and take care of yourself, and you don’t, their behaviour (which may include illness) may escalate. The changes you need to make are rarely difficult (e.g. your pet may ask that you spend more time sitting quietly with them, thereby forcing you to rest and “be”), but our habits are hard to break. Often they will use the behaviour to remind you to exercise your lesson! For many people, they understand exactly what the pet is getting at, and the soul lesson just motivates them to make the changes they know they should. So often we put ourselves last and our own health and well-being suffers. Your pet will bring your attention to that.

If you need help with your lesson, intuitive coaching and healing can both help.

Your pet knows you intimately, they will make sure you understand it. They won’t bring a lesson to your attention unless you are ready to hear it. However if you have resistance to your lesson, you may feel it doesn’t apply to you. It make take a while for it to sink in, but don’t worry, your pet will find another way to guide you! Healing or intuitive coaching can help relieve that resistance too!

Your pet knows you intimately, they will not bring a lesson to your attention unless you are ready to hear it. However if you have resistance to your lesson, you may feel it doesn’t apply to you. It make take a while for it to sink in, but don’t worry, your pet will find another way to guide you!

If you understand your lesson but are stuck, remember what they’ve asked you to do. It’s often simple changes that have the biggest impact. If it’s in an area you know you struggle with or has been a repeated pattern, maybe it’s time to address it. Energy healing can help overcome resistance or for a deeper more permanent change, intuitive coaching.

Your pet will not let up (with one behaviour or another) until you face up to your soul lesson. You don’t have to fix it overnight but you do need to acknowledge it.

Please note I am in the UK: please check the TIME ZONE is in your local time when you book an appointment. If you can’t find a time that suits you please email me with your time zone and suitable times and I’ll see what I can do!

Support your elderly or sick pet with the best possible care…

Disclaimer: Animal communication sessions and energy healing are not meant to prevent, diagnose, or treat any medical condition.  Please consult your vet if you have a medical concern about your animal.

* Please check out the legal page for cancellations and refunds.