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Soul Level Animal Communication®

Learn what your pet wants to share with you! A Soul Level Animal Communication® session can help you figure out what they are trying to teach you. Animals are helping us in so many ways, and they may be using their behaviour to get your attention.

  • If your pet is behaving in a way that creates an emotional reaction in you (good or bad)…

  • If your pet is out of sorts and no medical reason can be found…

  • If you’re simply curious about what they are thinking, or how they feel about something…

A Soul Level Animal Communication® reading can give you answers.

Kate can also communicate with animals that have passed over, they are still working with you!

Energy Healing for Animals

Kate uses a mixture of modalities, including the Emotion Code® and the Body Code™, to remove trapped emotions and soothing energetic imbalances which can relieve behavioural and health issues.

Energy healing can help if:

  • your pet is anxious, stressed or aggressive, or adopting any behaviour that is out of character

  • your pet exhibits unwanted behaviours

  • your pet is out of sorts and no medical reason can be found

  • you think your pet is in pain and conventional medicine isn’t helping, or you are reluctant to resort to medication

Problem Pet Package

There is no such thing as a problem pet, but at times it may certainly feel like that! If your pet is exhibiting unwanted behaviour, there is often a soul lesson for you behind it. They’re trying to get your attention any way they can. This exclusive package gets right to the root of the problem.

Even the step of being willing to acknowledge your part in their  behaviour is a step towards change and it won’t go unnoticed by your pet. Booking the package represents that awareness and also a significant saving on the sessions individually and includes:

  • a Soul Level Animal Communication® reading (see above) to learn from your pet what they are trying to teach you

  • a follow up energy healing/intuitive session with you to help release any blocks or imbalances that are exacerbating the problem, and help support you in learning the lesson your pet is trying to teach you

  • a follow up energy healing/intuitive session with your pet to remove any imbalances that might be contributing to the behaviour and fine tune their health, and balance your relationship

Chloe Care Package

A specially designed care package for elderly, transitioning or sick pets to allow you to understand what’s happening from their perspective, and how you can best support them. Two follow-on energy healing/intuitive sessions will help give your pet relief and comfort and help you through the process. The package represents a significant saving on the sessions booked individually and includes:

  • a Soul Level Animal Communication® reading (see above) to learn from your pet what they are trying to teach you, and what they say is actually going on with them, and anything you can do to support them

  • two follow up energy healing/intuitive sessions with your pet and you to help release any blocks or imbalances both to comfort and heal your pet and also to help support you in learning the lesson, and the situation in general as the carer of your pet. Healing will be done on you, or your pet, or both, as indicated by your pet and Kate’s guides.