Soul Level Animal Communication®

For many of us, our relationship with our animals is the most authentic relationship we have as there are less (on our part, none on their part) conditions attached. Our pet loves us regardless of our hair, our earning capacity, our politics and our habits and in turn we forgive them most of their behavioural quirks or annoyances. We never pretend with our pets, unless in an attempt to protect them or comfort them. You are in constant non-verbal communication with your animals, they hear what you are feeling, not what you’re saying. But what are they saying to you? A soul level animal communication session is a way to find out.

What you might not realise is that animals orchestrate a whole lot in our lives, and often beyond their lives in the physical plane, guiding us and nudging us towards self-acceptance and growth. They are constantly and lovingly working behind the scenes to teach us lessons and help us evolve.
If you’re experiencing difficulty understanding your pet’s behaviour, or you simply want to know what they think, a soul level animal reading can help.

A 30 minute reading is a great for learning what is going on with your pet, but if you want more time to delve deeper, or connect with more than one pet, Kate also offers a 50 minute session.

All readings are offered on Zoom, video by default, but you can have the cameras off if you prefer.

Be aware that the direction, and the content, of the reading is really governed by your pet, Kate is simply a messenger.

If you’d like to see a live Soul Level Animal Communication® reading you can see one here.

There are many animal communicators who will connect with your pet at what we call a 3D level, i.e. what he or she likes to do, to eat to play with. A “soul level” reading goes deeper in that we believe that all animals in your life have a specific lesson to teach you. Often going to this deeper level will explain issues or behaviours at the 3D level.

During a reading, Kate will connect to you, the owner, psychically, to get a feel for you and your personality. Your presence in the connection deepens the connection with the animal, because this reading is all about your relationship with your animal. Kate will then ask you for the name, the type of animal and their gender and whether the animal is alive or passed. She will then bring the animal into the connection. Kate will interact with the animal to get a feel for their personality, and if they are alive, do a body mapping. A body mapping is not a diagnostic tool, it’s simply asking the animal to show Kate how it feels to be in their body. It’s often very subtle, but it’s a way to feel closer to the animal, and sometimes they’ll show Kate really cool things like how it feels to have eyes on the side of the head! Kate will then ask you for your question. Kate will help you rephrase a question to get the best results. Kate will then move onto the soul level, where, through a series of 4 questions, she will find out what your animal is working on with you.

The less information Kate has about your animal and the issue, the easier it is for her to get the information from the animals perspective, so please don’t elaborate on what the problem or the desired outcome is. Often people get really excited and start over-sharing as things make sense. Whilst it’s good to let Kate know that you understand (“that makes sense”, or even just “yes”) try not to explain, but rather, let the animal tell Kate from their perspective.

Kate’s role is to simply present you with the information your animal shows her. It may not mean anything to her, the message is for you. Kate will ask if the information makes sense to you, please answer honestly – if it doesn’t make sense Kate can go back and get more clarification. Your animal wants you to understand, so don’t be shy about being honest.

You can prepare by being in a quiet place with no distractions. You may want a pen and paper to write things down – be prepared that you may not understand everything at the time, and sometimes things won’t make sense immediately, but will often come to you later. Days or even weeks later you’ll suddenly get an epiphany of what they were talking about! You are welcome to record the session if you wish.

Bear in mind that your pet has their own point of view, and may not see things the same as you so don’t be surprised!

The information Kate receives may be visual, auditory or sensual. It may be symbolic – the animal will either use things that mean something to Kate, in which case she will describe it in terms of “this is what it represents to me”, or have some symbolic meaning for you. Kate’s job is not to interpret, in doing so the message may be altered. Kate will describe what she gets in terms of “I see, I feel, I hear” and the interpretation is up to you – this is your message.

The animal will only share what they want to share with you, you cannot force them to tell you things, nor can you force them to change their behaviour! Animals have their own thoughts and feelings, and at the soul level they have an agenda of what to teach us. What is wonderful though, is that by simply learning their point of view and listening to them, things will often change.

If an animal does not want to talk about something specific, Kate will ask again, but if they still will not share, she will move on, and you can perhaps try another time. They each have their own very particular personalities and we can’t force them to do things they do not want to do, and there may be very good reasons why they will not address an issue at a particular time.

No, your animal doesn’t need to be present for the reading, though if they are you may notice them suddenly showing an interest! They don’t even need to be awake!

No, Kate has been trained to connect with the animal based on their name.

You can ask your pet anything! It’s best to ask an open ended question (rather than a yes/no question). For example “how does Spot feel about the cat?” is better than “does Spot like the cat?” It’s also best not to make assumptions about what they think or feel, for example, “why does Spot hate the postman” may confuse Spot if he doesn’t hate the postman, but actually doesn’t like the van. Instead we would ask “how does Spot feel about the postman?”

Kate will work with you to get the most out of your question!

Body Mapping is where Kate will ask the animal to map his/her body onto Kate’s body to show Kate how it feels to be in that body. This is not a medical or diagnostic tool, but instead helps Kate feel closer to the animal. Your animal may show Kate some fun things, like showing that she loves to be tickled behind the ears, or, for example, a chicken may show Kate what it’s like to have a long neck. Kate may get awareness of parts of the body which may indicate discomfort but equally may not; if you have any medical concerns about  your pet you should consult a vet.

Yes, Kate can read animals that have passed on. Kate suggests that you wait a couple of weeks after the animal has passed on, to give the animal time to transition and to give you time to start the healing process. Everyone grieves differently and you may feel ready sooner, or if it still feels very raw for you, you may need more time before trying to communicate with them. This is entirely your decision, but if your grief is overwhelming it will be easier if you wait.

This is a tricky one. Helping someone with a missing pet can be a hugely emotional ordeal for all involved and Kate is still working on her own emotional boundaries and doesn’t yet feel ready. There are a few animal communicators that specialise in lost animals. Please consult Danielle Mackinnon’s Certified Animal Communicator Directory and look for someone who mentioned they are happy to work with missing animals. If you are stuck, Kate can try to put you in touch with someone who will help.

Yes, Kate is one of Danielle MacKinnon’s Certified Professional Practitioners. You can learn more about Danielle MacKinnon here.

No. The reading is about your relationship with your animal. You cannot ask about someone else’s relationship. You can encourage them to do a reading themselves (and you can gift a reading) but remember that this is not for everyone. It’s very hard for people who know the value of this to appreciate that not everyone believes in this wonderful thing that we believe in, but, however tempting, it’s not something you can force onto other people! Do not buy someone a gift reading unless you are really sure they will appreciate it or it could be a very awkward session for both of us!

You can only ask about your relationship with an animal, which may be inappropriate if they have an owner. If you suspect an animal is mis-treated or abused for example, you cannot ask about their relationship with their owner. You can connect to wild animals, however Kate’s not really very experienced with this so wouldn’t advise it just yet! Wild animals vibrate at a higher level and Kate isn’t really confident doing this yet for other people as she can’t guarantee success! If you want to ask for fun, as part of another reading, she’s happy to give it a try as long as you understand she may not be able to connect! The more relaxed and fun a reading is, the more likely this will work as you’ll both be vibrating at a higher level.

There isn’t any time for chit chat during a reading as Kate wants to dedicate the time to speaking to your animal, so if you have further questions please send Kate an email through the contact page.

Absolutely you can! I recommend Danielle Mackinnon, my teacher, click here to learn more!

Please note I am in the UK: please check the TIME ZONE is in your local time when you book an appointment. If you can’t find a time that suits you please email me with your time zone and suitable times and I’ll see what I can do!

Learn what your pet really wants you to know!

Disclaimer: A Soul Level Animal Communication® reading is not meant to prevent, diagnose, or treat any medical condition.  Please consult your vet if you have a medical concern about your animal.

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